Purpose of Respect

Ever been in a situation where you quickly became aware that a decision you’ve made was not the right one for your well-being? And, in making the choice to bow-out gracefully, you then realize that you are the one who is ridiculed for this conclusion you know is best for your growth and mental self-care.

In many professional and work situations, circumstances such as this one, are usually prompted by a lack of respect toward you; despite your knowledge, work, or careful nature. When experienced, it is clearly a form of microinvalidation, even though you hold optimum knowledge in your field. According to Sue (2017), microinvalidation is a form of microaggression that excludes or negates a person’s thoughts or feelings.

In considering the reasons you shouldn’t bow out, you often tell yourself this too shall pass. And, this reasoning to stay in becomes as a struggle. This struggle may appear as problems in your relationships, and may lead to health challenges due to stress and insufficient rest .

Garnered behavioral patterns when faced with such situations require integrity toward yourself as you continue on the path of who God has made you to be. Your careful actions should always be above reproach. Criticism from those who choose to disrespect you, should never be allowed to damper your spirits. Through your strength in God and your attitude, you may be building someone else’s faith, to assist him or her, to believe that God is our savior and partner in all of the unfortunate issues in this life.

Respect yourself as you respect those who verbally harm you. As we move toward God’s Light, it is the only way to clear the path toward the carefully-crafted love of God has for us.

Enjoy this beautiful month of September!

Rev. M. Charlotte Oliver

Sue, D. (2017). Microaggressions and marginality: Manifestation, dynamics, and impact. Hoboken, NJ;Wiley.

Reading Reflection : August 5th, 2018



Being Passionate About the Tasks God Gives Us

Verse: Nehemiah 1-2

Study Guide

Relax and Focus : Allow yourself to become centered by slowly breathing in and breathing out. Relax your mind and body.

Read : Nehemiah 1-2

Reflect : Nehemiah was a Jewish politician who lived in Susa (Babylon) the capital of Persia. His position in the Persian government required a great deal of respect. Yet, he missed his homeland and frequently reached out to God for comfort.

Putting yourself in Nehemiah’s shoes:

Who in your life right now has caused you to ponder and discern on decisions you have made?

Do you sometimes feel like an outcast pertaining to specific groups, because of the decisions you’ve made concerning your walk with God?  How about feeling exiled from God’s purpose for you?

Nehemiah’s examples show us that whatever discomfort we feel, we must continue to pray for insight and understanding. We must also be vulnerable with God while sharing that we don’t know much without his guidance. During our own brokenness, we must remember the needs of others as well.

While reading this passage, consider the words or phrases that stand out to you, and why God placed those words on your heart. How does it filter into your current everyday situation? God offers many invitations to garner more wisdom about his caring love for us. Sit with these questions, and don’t feel rushed to find immediate answers.

Respond : Breathe in these words and take time to respond to God in any way you feel is good.

Rest : Immerse yourself in what has made an impact in your study for today. Remember your partnership with God is always available. He is always available. Rest in your thoughts and embrace any feelings you may hold.

Discuss: If you are led to do so, share your findings and discuss this experience with family and friends. Know that when your heart is broken so is God’s heart.

Feel free to comment on our facebook page

God LOVES You!

Fullness for Life

Verse: Proverbs 3:1-8

A full and happy life is a longing for most who are not in denial that this is achievable. Yet, the steps needed to reach this pinnacle can take a bounty of undesirable work. Undesirable work often produces laziness that is so very comfortable, it is difficult to often recognize.

The passage that I’ve based this month’s message on, states that following God as our leader is the only way to flourish in every layer of our lives. It is where we can rid ourselves of laziness, strife, unforgiveness, self-denial, and other enemy-reaching ideologies about our true identity of what we really mean to God.

To prosper in this uniqueness allows us to sparkle from the inside out.  It produces loyalty to God, filtered into who he wants us to be.  This faithfulness is transcendent when we come to realize that it should likewise also be shared in support of others who may or may not be on the same path that we have chosen.

Devotion to God does not share room with laziness or excuses. It is a continuous departure from the old way once known, to the new way of bathing in HIS WORD!  Yes, there are lemons such as job loss, relationship problems, losing a family member, or even tragedy that we must sometimes unfortunately face. They often seem to show up and grow in the midst of our attempts to do good…to be good. However, our faithfulness as the sugar cane proudly developing, yields the sweetness of God’s love. God’s love is always there for us. He longs for the ultimate relationship where we place our trust in Him.  He is in control! Our faithfulness is important to Him as he leads us on the path and destination of comfort, peace, and, the fullness of life.

Have a most beautiful and fulfilling August, sweet friends!

In grace & gratitude,

Rev. Charlotte

The Powerful Woman

This month of July started off to be very warm, with a bit of organized chaos in my work designation and home life. Yet, I pushed through. And, yes I can say this even though it is now only July 3rd, 2018. This semi-late update is simply because June got ahead of me. In June, I experienced two major celebrations; my daughter turned 25 and her beau Chris’ birthday was just 6 days prior to hers. I attended a leadership conference, and began a different path for myself. Though this new livelihood has been very rewarding thus far, there are still a few kinks I continue to shrink on a daily basis.

I guess the biggest challenge for me at this juncture of my life, is when I am faced with the awareness that I must compete with a younger generation when it comes to forging my continued career. In fact, just recently I was thinking about what other women my age must experience when they are forced to deal with similar issues. This familiarity can make anyone want to curl up and eat chocolate bon bons all day long. Yet, there is still such a thing as the powerful woman that should be recognized, embraced, and respected.

Take Deborah a prophetess in Judges 4:4-9. These verses describe her as a strong poised woman. The only female judge during this time. Her faith and trust in God was remarkable. She spoke with confidence and reassurance, and understood the importance of being honored and to not dim her light. She remained in her devotion and her obedience to God, despite the many trials of her time.Deborah loved her people and they loved her back. She even sang about the battle of that time and was known as the “Mother of Israel.”

As mothers, wives, caretakers, and loyal friends, we serve many people. And, it is important to serve ourselves, equally. When we serve our families, those in our workplaces, and other members of our neighborhoods and country, we always make a powerful impact, because we serve God. When we take care of ourselves, we are better able to serve Him.

When Barak asked Deborah to accompany him to Kedesh…“Certainly I will go with you,” said Deborah. “But because of the course you are taking, the honor will not be yours, for the Lord will deliver Sisera into the hands of a woman.” So Deborah went with Barak to Kedesh (Judges 4:9).

God has more than what he gave to Deborah awaiting you. However, you must be in deep awareness to receive what is in store. Get plenty of rest, stay focused, eat healthy meals, and walk with nature. You only have one body, so be good to yourself!

Have a splendid July!


You are Important

Editor’s Note: In God’s Eyes, You Rock!


Welcome to this journal and blog issue. I know that summer is gearing up to greet us all with warmth, cool breezes, and green grass. The months of dryness and busyness we leave behind to experience new special moments ahead. For some of you who are stay at home moms, your days may resemble planning daily activities with your children, or spending precious time with friends. For others who have pets as their companion, more time is spent at dog parks, or you may even be motivated to take longer walks in your neighborhood. As for me, I usually spend these lazy months, gardening, crafting, visiting farmer’s markets, and catching up on reading clean romance novels. And, speaking of novels … I just registered to see Karen Kingsbury on June 6th. I am so excited to finally see her in person!

Before I move on to my own daily activities, I want you to know that even though I am aware that it may be busy for some, that it may not be for you. However, just know you may not be here, there, and everywhere. Yet, our dear Father sees you and your light. Your name may not ring-a-bell like the name of others in your community. Yet, God hears your call. And, although you may believe that you are not important, I want you to know that I see you, as God hears you.

At the Pink Door Women’s Ministry, we are here to support you in every step of your Christian journey. Each cell in your body was created for you and only you. You are completely beautiful in the eyes of our Lord. For this reason, we honor you and asked that you embrace who you are at every moment. We walk this glorious path together.

In HIS grace,

Rev. Charlotte

The Immortal Garden

As I sit at the dining room table, and I plan our planting projects for the next few months, I am in awe of the amount of snow currently falling in the Denver Metro area. Some have said that it is close to ten inches thus far, yet; this has not caused me any recourse on what my expectations are for the growing season this year.

I view this storm as a blessing for the moisture that it is bestowing on us. I won’t have to water the shrubs or the lawn for a few days after this. In my humble household, the silent falling snow, brings us great moments of reflection. And we capture these, in appreciation of the bounty this moisture will bring.

This afternoon, I will start seeds of violet, blue iris, chocolate habanero, horehound, white soul strawberry, ground cherry, and gambo pepper. Tomorrow, I plan to add to this group with schwartzbeeren and garden huckleberry. I have some nance seed in the freezer to crack and plant as well… as I long for the nance ice cream I used to eat growing up in my home country of Belize.

I trust that wherever you reside at this moment, that your day is filled with gratitude for this life that God has provided us. I urge you to honor it in grace!

Until I write again,

“Garden as though you will live forever.”

~ William Kent

I wish you a great plenty this year!

Rev. Charlotte

Know Well the Condition of Your Flocks

Friends, Christine and John, have a flock of chickens and two roosters. They also have two turkeys that have been a part of the family for over a year. However, the last time I visited the farm they mentioned to me that the flock seems to be dwindling and they are afraid it may be coyotes and foxes, among other predators in their neck-of-the-woods. Therefore, when I received an invitation to attend a chicken POW WOW two weeks ago, I couldn’t resist.

I started getting excited about three days prior to the event based on the idea that I will be learning valuable information that could benefit the future retreat center and learning community. I have always wanted chicks on the farm, and learning more about them was right up my alley. I awoke very early to clean up, because I knew friends were on the way from visiting family here in Denver. With one of their birthdays only two days away, I thought that we could have an early friendship dinner before the rush on the actual day. After I sorted through appropriate attire to attend the workshop, I got dressed and was on my way. The weather herein Colorado has been beautiful the last few days; yet, I knew the area of the state I would drive to is known for windy conditions and lots of snow. I was right about the winds…Whew! Glad that I brought along my good coat.

It took me about 40 minutes to arrive, and as usual, I was the first person there. Soon thereafter, people started arriving as well. The doors opened and I found a seat. I then looked to my right and saw the most beautiful roosters I had ever seen. One won the Best in Show award for 2017 at the latest stock show. His breather was one of the presenters, and I knew then that he must know his stuff.

Today I learned about brooders, layers, biosecurity, avoiding predators, pasty butt, scratch, grit, parasites, regular and organic feed, egg eating, caring for eggs, and a whole lot more. By the end of the presentation, I was overwhelmed and also knew that with this information, I could most definitely do this.

Proverbs 27:23 says “Know well the condition of your flocks, and pay attention to your herds.” I like this verse, because it is an important reminder of the importance of caring for the animals we keep. This means we must feed them the right foods for their bodies, make sure that they have fresh water, treat them with care, and always thank them for what they give to us, and f course for their sacrifices.

This was a good day, and I am so happy that I attended this event.

Happy Easter to you!

Rev. Charlotte

Heart Planting

It’s March already, and by now, historically, I usually have started my African vegetables. These are normally the hardy kind, like kale, collard greens and so forth; you get the picture. Yet, this year seems different. I mean my heart is in it; however, I feel as though I continue to give more of myself than I receive in return, and in return, my energy is spent. There are many verses written on our will to give freely. Accordingly, I spent time with this verse today, “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.” – Proverbs 3:27. I understand this completely, but still I struggle with it. I often ask when is enough, ample? With this question, I have concluded that I do not have the power to continue to give freely in certain situations.

I work a number of four jobs at times, just to see my life of owning a farm come to fruition. There are times I must be up at 2:50 in the morning, to focus on one of my many gigs. Based on this one reason among others, my power to consistently give, I have discerned, must be halted in the recognition that I must give to the farm that is yet to come…I must give to me. By doing so,  I am better able to sit comfortably with God in quiet conversations, to expect, to wait, and to listen.

Recently I was invited to a seed swap that actually fell on a Wednesday night it was scheduled to start at 6pm, and its location is usually about a 35 minute drive outside of the Denver, Colorado rush hour. When I received the invite, my first instinct was to say “That’s too far, it will take me two hours to get there.” Then I thought again, and said to myself “You have the power to do this, just leave the house a little earlier”. It took me a total of 56 minutes to make it there that night. It felt good that I attempted the drive.

I walked into the quaint and fun farmer’s market and was greeted by the smell of tons of delicious food. Since this was a potluck as well; I placed my strawberry spinach salad on the table. The venue was warm and the people were friendly. I sat next to a lovely woman who talked about her bees. I shared with her that my neighbor has two beehives, and that I credited her bees for my wonderful bounty last year. On the table to my right were a plethora of seeds brought in by other farmers and gardeners; I brought some seeds too. I was so proud of my Cinderella pumpkin seeds I harvested and dried myself that I had to package some to share. You can see a picture below.

The presenter was a woman farmer who shared good information on starting seedlings. She gave me so much hope that I now feel that I can muster up the time and energy to start some cold-hardy crops this weekend. The event planted great feelings in my heart in the acknowledgment that I can do all things, when I have support from Jude, stay steeped in God, and when I spend time with the people who truly love me. Jude is visiting family right now, which gives me a lot of time to think. One thing the drive into the city validated for me is that I must put my needs and desires in the forefront of everything that I do. I must wear the oxygen mask first, before I can give to others. And, putting this into writing tells me that there is no turning back. For this I am sooooo thankful!

Have a beautiful evening,

Snow Dreams

It is 30 degrees and snowing right now and my day has been a good one.

I awoke at 5 am this morning, spent time in devotion, and worked on many last minute technical projects until around 8 am. I knew that our town was forecasted for snow and therefore, I started to plan my day around this event.

As I arose from bed it seemed quite dreary outside, the skies were gray and a frosty-dampness was evident; yet, I still made time to stretch my bones. The magnesium complex that I am taking every night before I retire seems to be proving to do some good. Not only am I am resting well, I also awake energized. I shared this with my friend Susan in Tennessee during our lovely conversation last evening, and communicated that I hope this is for real.

As the day progressed, I attended a gratitude ceremony on a local farm in Colorado owned by my dear farmer-friends, Christine and John. I always enjoy spending time with them as their property is inspiring and gives me hope that soon I will have a homestead of my own.

I returned home, had a great BIG salad, and then decided to read a bit. I made it in the door just in time before the snow started to quietly fall. When it comes time to shovel my driveway, I grumble sometimes; however, I do enjoy this time of the year. It is so beautiful and tranquil to watch the snow fall, and to watch one of my Pomeranian play, and play, and play. She loves it so much as depicted in the photo below. She had a great time running around  this afternoon, as I checked on the greenhouses and the fragrant herbs I have growing in them. I patiently await the many seed catalogs I know are on the way, as I continue to contemplate what to grow this year. I want apple, pear, and peach trees, grapevines, and all sorts of berries on my homestead. I want alpacas too…I reckon that every day I am getting closer, and for this I am so grateful.


Tomorrow my day starts at around 3 am, so I must say goodnight. I hold the light for all of you for a beautiful week ahead.

Many blessings,

Rev. Charlotte

Night has Come

Night has come at last.

It is that time when I can sit back and enjoy the quietude around us. Even though I reside in a small suburb of Denver, Colorado, there are still moments that we hear the sound of an ambulance go by.  Since I live in close vicinity to a hospital, this is expected. However, not so much tonight. It is so very quiet here at this moment. I can’t even hear the frigid winds that took over the day. Its force appears to have removed the last leaves from the trees in my neighborhood.  In fact, coming home today, it was almost impossible to see the darkness where fresh tar once laid; instead, all I could see were leftover dried leaves scattered everywhere; like, my mind sometimes in these planning phases…

The chill of the day, made me a bit concerned about the herbs in my little greenhouse constructed only about two weeks ago. Although I have it heated, I still worry about my little plants, which provided such wonderful flavors to my most recent Christmas meal. Fresh sage and thyme galore, and chocolate mint tea with sweet potato and pumpkin pie to follow.  I said to friends over the weekend, how grateful I am to have this to enjoy in the middle of a minor snow shower yesterday morning, and how much I relish the simplicity of  life now lived in a city far removed from the hustle and bustle. Can you imagine how tranquil I will be when I finally obtain land? I am patient; yet, eager at the same time. Please bare with me.

I have so much more to say…but sleepiness becomes me, and my day starts at 2:50 in the morning. I guess I am preparing for when I get to milk the cows and feed the chickens.

If you find my writings are worth a kind comment or two, please do share about your life and your day as well.

Count your sheeps and sleep with the angels,

Rev. Charlotte