Inner Winter to Inner Spring

It’s the 13th day in the month of March, 2019. As I compose this short note, I can’t see through my window! We are in the middle of a serious winter blizzard in the Denver South region. It is cold, snowy, and very windy.

Snow often leaves many layers. Sometimes very fluffy on top, but quite icy on the bottom; like some friends we’ve known or still know. I think of how much our God provides if we simply follow His basic guidelines. We are in control of building our self-mastery to the point of no return. No return to bad relationships, no return to business dealings that lack integrity, no return to disrespect…you get my point, right?

On days where the weather condition is a huge deterrent from us getting into our cars, there are some who must still go to work, school, or other appointments. As women of Christ, if we must venture out in unsafe conditions, we trust God to keep us safe. As we must also trust him in our relationships and other areas of our lives.

Let’s try to trust in Him every day. Let’s trust Him like Deborah did when she moved into battle (Judges 4:8-9). Let’s allow Him to make a difference in us and for us in this month of March and always.  His love warms the soul.

Rev. Charlotte

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